A very popular vegetable in Italy, fennel is recognized for its anise-like aroma and taste. It is rich in vitamin C and low in calories.


Fennel is an aromatic vegetable characterized by its white to light green bulb, delicate stalks, and feathery, herb-like leaves. Its slightly aniseed flavor and crunchy texture make it a popular ingredient both in cooking and for its nutritional benefits. This vegetable is rich in fiber, vitamins (especially vitamins C and K), and minerals such as potassium and magnesium. In addition to its nutritional benefits, fennel is known for its digestive properties and its potential to add a touch of freshness and complexity to dishes.

Depending on the weight, from 6 to 14 pieces loose in an EPS tomato box of 6 kg, with a minimum of 3 kg net per box.

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