Condiments are essential ingredients that enrich and diversify our daily cuisine. Originating from a wide range of plants, spices, and aromatic blends, they play a crucial role in enhancing flavors and adding unique nuances to dishes.


The onion is known for its ability to enrich dishes with aromatic nuances. Its sharp flavor transforms into sweetness when cooked. Rich in vitamins C and B6, as well as antioxidants, the onion provides health benefits while adding depth and complexity to culinary preparations.

Young onions : in bunches tied with an elastic band (single bunches of 3 or 4 pieces or double bunches of 6 to 8 pieces), in EPS tomato crates.

Green onions : in bunches, tied with an elastic band, 3 pieces in a medium EPS crate.

Dried onions : in a medium EPS crate, or loose in bags, or pre-packed in small bags.

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